We bottled Navarro's first grape juice for our family in the late seventies never realizing that other families would like it too. The first bottling was so impulsive that it was bottled in new but overstocked bottles in a myriad of shapes and colors. We nonchalantly left a few bottles at our favorite Berkeley restaurant and quickly discovered a generous fan club. When a group of friends gather for dinner, there's a good possibility that someone doesn't want to consume alcohol and many of these people have sensitive and discerning palates. It's with these foodies, adults and children alike, that Navarro juices shine. These three juices taste like just picked wine grapes rather than overpowering Concord grapes. They taste fresher than dealcoholized wine where flavors, along with the alcohol, are removed by processing. Navarro harvests premium wine grapes for juice, just as we would for making wine.
A little help in the kitchen. Since the Middle Ages verjus has been used as a sauce ingredient, a meat tenderizer, a condiment and as a component of medieval mustard. We have just updated a small complimentary cookbook that will give you ideas on how to use Verjus. Please request a copy with your order or you can read it online.