• 2010 Grape Juices
    • (Gewürztraminer) Sold Out!
    • (Pinot Noir) Sold Out!
    • (Verjus / Green Juice) Sold Out!
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Making grape juice sounds deceptively easy; squeeze grapes and out comes juice. In reality our work starts very early in the season. Navarro's juices are made from varietal wine grapes and we want the juice to have exactly the same flavors as the wine. Ripe varietal flavors develop when grapes sugars exceed 22° Brix; juice this ripe is extremely sweet and with much lower acidity than desired for juice. Our solution is to harvest about 25% of grapes earlier, at about 17° Brix, as one might for sparkling wine. By blending this high acid, low sugar juice with riper juice, we end up with precise varietal flavors and moderate sweetness balanced by high acidity. The next challenge is bottling it without any stray yeast ending up in the bottle.

Karin expects to be out of Navarro's office for awhile on family leave. "In the mood for wine? Navarro Vineyards in Mendocino, California makes a fantastic nonalcoholic 'wine' (a grape juice really) that did the trick for me whenever I was in the mood to raise a glass. Try the Gewürztraminer variety" -Thalia: Radiante!
[left] Isabella, Connor and Jordan came all the way from New Mexico to sample Navarro's juice. "Navarro Vineyards of Mendocino County, California, is putting a new spin on grapevines, turning the same fine Gewürztraminer and Pinot Noir grapes it uses for its wines into non-alcoholic wine-grape juice. Out of the two offered varietals, the Gewürztraminer seems dryer with fruitier undertones, while the Pinot Noir seems more complex." -People Magazine

This is easier said than done because precisely when the juice needs to be bottled, the winery is filling up with bubbling barrels of newly fermenting wine. Juices are bottled in 750 ml bottles and are $11.00. During November we will ship the 2009 vintage until we are able to ship the 2010 vintage in December.

Varietal grape juice will delight friends and family of all ages. The Pinot Noir taste of cranberries and cherries and the Gewürz has the aromas of tropical flowers and fruit.