• 2015 Pinot Noir
    Anderson Valley, Mendocino
    • (750 ml) Sold Out!
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Still crazy Recent Press

Anderson Valley Pinot Noir wines continue to receive accolades from the press and there are now over 60 wineries producing Pinot from Anderson Valley grapes. A recent article in a trade magazine compared grape availability and pricing by California appellations and found that the availability and pricing of Anderson Valley Pinot Noir was uniquely similar to the availability and pricing of Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon. Although we haven't yet experienced the astronomical prices that Napa Cab gets, A.V. Pinot fetched up to five dollars a pound in 2015, making a twenty dollar Gold Medal winning Pinot an Anderson Valley rarity. Our colleagues mumble that Navarro is crazy.

[above] Jose picking Pinot at night under floodlights. We harvest our grapes at night when both the grapes and the pickers are cool. Yellowjacket wasps are aggressive, especially at the end of the season when the grapes are twenty-five percent sugar. Wasps are not active at night, which the pickers much appreciate.
Mehgan, winery intern, punching down Pinot. [below] We've learned from experience to avoid pumping Pinot; we found that gently pushing the skins back into the fermenting must by hand yields the supplest wines.

Sixty percent of the grapes in this bottling were estate grown and the balance from our next-door neighbor. Grapes in this bottling included four different Pinot clones, grown on four different rootstocks from five different sites. Not only do the clones and rootstocks add complexity to the grape's flavors, but the wine was aged in French oak barrels, twenty percent new, for eleven months adding some enticing vanilla, spice and toast elements to the wine. We sold out of the 2014 A.V. Pinot bottling in less than eight months and due to a light crop in 2015, we were only able to bottle about half of normal. This vintage will sell out very quickly, so you would be crazy to delay ordering. Gold Medal winner.

  • Harvested: Sept. 5 to 12, 2015
  • Sugars at harvest: 26.4° Brix
  • Bottled: Aug. 10 & 11, 2016
  • Cases produced: 1,844
  • Alcohol: 13.6%
  • Titratable acidity: 5.6 g/L
  • pH: 3.70