• 2022 Non-alcoholic wine-grape juices
    Gewürztraminer, Pinot Noir and Verjus
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Juicy fruit Recent Press

Our Gewürztraminer vines produced another modest crop for the third consecutive year in 2022; we suspect our reduced yields are related to the drought and we fear that lower production may be the new “normal.” This vintage the juice was harvested from our Peach block—named after a peach orchard on the same hillside—and the juice definitely has a peachy quality. Similar to the Gewürz crop, our Pinot Noir vines produced another modest 2022 crop and so we arranged to purchase grapes from Johnson Family Vineyards, fifth-generation grape growers, in Ukiah. Our verjus is produced primarily from Chardonnay grapes we thinned from our Hammer Olsen vineyard after the berries had begun to soften.

[above] Two ripe Gewürztraminer clusters. The left (upper) hand holds a cluster with shatter, where the tiny berries have fallen off a short time after set. Some of our 2022 Gewürz vines had shattered fruit, but most of the clusters resembled the cluster in the right (lower) hand, albeit smaller and less full.
Dumping a bin of Pinot Noir into the destemmer. [below] After destemming, the juice is racked to a refrigerated tank so that we can quickly chill it to prevent any fermentation.

The grapes were destemmed, pressed and the juice was racked to stainless steel tanks then quickly chilled to 34°F to prevent any unwanted fermentation. We cold filter—rather than pasteurizing or adding sorbates—so the juice tastes exactly like a fresh grape. The Gewürz has floral aromatics and smacks of peach and tropical fruits whereas the Pinot Noir juice tastes of plum and rhubarb. The verjus is very tart and can replace lemon juice or vinegar in cooking. Juices should be refrigerated after opening but will last several weeks; all three juices are available in 750 ml bottles for $17.00.

Available by the bottle at:
2022 Gewürztraminer Grape Juice
2022 Pinot Noir Grape Juice
2022 Verjus (Green juice from Chardonnay)