Jancis Robinson, an eminent wine writer, wrote about Muscat Blanc wines from the south of France:
“There has been a fashion for making it into dry white table wines, full-bodied whites with an eerily grapey aroma but hardly any perceptible sugar on the palate.” Eerily? Feeling inarticulate, we decided to look up Merriam Webster's definition of eerily to shed more light on her comment:
“So mysterious, strange, or unexpected as to send a chill up the spine.”
Nervously unloading an expensive new oak oval on its arrival from France.
We ferment and age Muscat Blanc in these casks; before use, Navarro's staff will install a stainless steel cooling panel inside the cask to control the temperature of the wine. During seven months of sur lie aging in a refrigerated French oak oval, the yeast slowly autolyzes, releasing mannoproteins and polysaccharides which add a rounded mouthfeel to this dry, full-flavored wine.
The eerie Muscat Blanc block in Navarro's Hammer Olsen vineyard. An ominous sky threatens a storm, and inclement weather during bloom spooks the vintner
While this wine definitely has a Muscat grape aroma as Jancis suggests, we prefer to think of it as unexpected rather than eerie. Our 2017 Muscat Blanc's mysterious aromas promise that the wine will taste exactly like biting into a sweet, juicy Muscat grape. But unexpectedly, the wine is mouthwateringly dry, without any sweetness, with bewitching flavors suggesting orange, lime and lychee. What food to pair with such an eerie wine? Joe Appel at the Portland Press Herald suggests
“voluptuous poultry and white meat dishes; fish and shellfish with butter sauces; Asian stir-fries without too much heat; rich vegetarian meals that include root vegetables and nuts; and beautifully soft and semi-soft cheeses.” Any of these pairings bring an unexpected chill up your spine?
Gold Medal winner. Best of Class.