• 2019 Cabernet Sauvignon
    • (750 ml) Sold Out!
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The Anderson Valley is full of history buffs and one of them, Bill Kimberlin, recently shared a newly colorized photo of the Boonville Hotel from the early 1900s. Bill noted that at the time the hotel was known as Mrs. Berry's Place and was mentioned in the diary of Charmian London during her 1906 visit to Boonville with her husband, Jack London. The hotel ledger, with Jack London's signature, is on display at the valley's Little Red Schoolhouse History Museum. Julia Berry has been a manager and a friendly face of Navarro's tasting room for 16 years.

Julia's great grand­mother greeted Jack London and his wife Charmian to the Ander­son Valley in 1906. [right] Julia will greet you at Navarro's tasting room today.

Over 100 years ago parking wasn't a problem in Boonville.

To our surprise and delight, we learned that “Mrs. Berry” was her great grandmother and ran the hotel from about 1890 to 1920. We love that generations of families have worked and thrived in our tiny community. Navarro's Cabernet Sauvignon grapes were grown on the Berry ranch in Talmage. While we're not sure if that Berry family is distantly related to Julia, we certainly appreciate the deep roots of grapes and history that go into this wine. The grapes were grown on steep, terraced hillsides and by the time we harvested them in mid-October they were fully ripe and flavorful while still maintaining good acidity. Aging in French oak barrels for 22 months has tempered the tannins and revealed black cherry, mint and chocolate flavors. Take a sip and savor some of the local history. Gold Medal-winner. Best of Class. 92 points.

  • Harvested: Oct. 14 to 15, 2019
  • Sugars at harvest: 25.7° Brix
  • Bottled: Aug. 18, 2021
  • Cases produced: 709
  • Alcohol: 14.4%
  • Titratable acidity: 6.1 g/L
  • pH: 3.72