Dumping Gewürztraminer clusters into Navarro's destemmer.
When Gewürz clusters are grown in a cool climate and are protected from direct midday sun, the berries morph from green to a dark russet color which bodes well for intense floral aromatics. The triple-T trellis was designed to protect the grapes from direct sun.
The first Gewürztraminer plantings at Navarro wrapped around a hill that was planted according to the quadrants of the compass. Historically the West Hill, which faces the ocean breezes, is the coolest of the four sites and produces the most aromatic wines. When the West Hill was replanted in 2003 and 2005, it was subdivided into four blocks, each featuring a unique combination of clones and rootstocks. We harvested the fruit from these four blocks separately in 2016, then fermented and aged the wines sur lie in four individual oak casks. The top of the West Hill is well drained and less fertile, with lighter soil than the blocks below which contain fewer pebbles and more clay. The vines struggle on the hilltop and produce slightly smaller berries than the vines in the three lower blocks. During our blending trials in 2017 we were so impressed by this lot from the top of the hill that we decided to assign it the designation we use for Navarro's best of the best: Deep End Blend. Gold Medal winner. Best of Class. 96 points.